Hawke & Metcalfe Standard Fees for Landlords As At 1st June 2019

Monthly Fees

Fully Managed Service 12% plus VAT
Rent Collection Service 10% plus VAT

Additional Fees

Arrangement Fee £200 plus VAT - Applicable to all new tenancies.
Renewal of Tenancy £75 plus VAT
Energy Performance Certificate £100 plus VAT, if required
Additional property visits, over and above scheduled inspections £20 plus VAT
Sale of property to existing tenant or 3rd party during the term of the tenancy 1% plus VAT Dealing with Dispute Resolution Service £75 plus VAT
Annual HMRC Rent Report £10 plus VAT

Find a Tenant Only Fees

Find a Tenant Service £500 plus VAT
Lodge Deposit with DPS if required £50 plus VAT


Variable depending on number of rooms and accommodation.